I would like to share what I read yesterday on my devotional:
"A Woman who fears the Lord, she will be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."
Proverbs 31:30-31
He made them as something special!
Their hands are delicately formed; they can create an exquisite piece of art while binding the imaginary wound of a child's broken heart. A mother's soothing touch to a feverish brow is like a "magic cure" to the inner soul.
Kings have been transfused by the plasma of her dreams. Nations are still being conquered through the inspiration of her ideals. Weak leaders are often supported by her feminine mystique. Her offspring have walked on the moon, tilled the soil, explored planets and plumbed the ocean depths.
She is a paradox! Unpredictable. Not easily understood by the male species. They have studied her, used her body, written pages of scientific data about her. Yet, no one has discovered the mystery of a woman herself.
Not will they ever!
God and God alone is able to contemplate her worth. For it was she He chose to bear His son, tutor Him in childhood, and to minister to Him at the cross.
She was the very last of all God's creative acts. When He has finished with His original "MASTERPIECE" called woman, it was as if God said:
"Now that I have made mothers, I can rest."
By Ruthe White
Book: A Gentle Spirit
Devotional Selections for Today's Christian Woman
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